Agricultural Education and Communication

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Master of Agricultural Education Degree

Please note, there is NO Summer Admission to the graduate program. 

Admitted Graduate Student Materials


What can you do with a MAGD?

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MAGD graduates

The Master of Agricultural Education program provides students with the opportunity to focus their graduate study in agricultural education, with an emphasis on preparing candidates for positions as teachers of agricultural education in public schools. 

The non-thesis degree has two tracks: (1) to provide practitioners with opportunities for professional development, requiring at least one year of successful high school or community college teaching for completion and (2) to provide agriculture credential candidates an opportunity to simultaneously complete the degree. 

Working with their advisors and graduate committees, students complete coursework and high impact experiences in the program to enhance their employment settings or assist them to become compliant with statewide standards for agricultural education. 

All students in the Master of Agricultural Education degree program are required to pass a written and oral comprehensive examination, scheduled during the final quarter of the program of study. 

Through the diverse education of the MAGD program, students learn broadly applicable skills:

  • Teaching methods and styles
  • Content organization and development
  • Program construction
  • Evaluation techniques

Students who are not credentialing during this program also have the freedom to:

  • Conduct individual research studies
  • Participate in internships
  • Create their own businesses

MAGD Program Learning Objectives


1.Apply knowledge of philosophical and historical foundations of agricultural education to develop personal philosophy statements which guide components of the agricultural education programs.

2.Create relevant, challenging and integrative agricultural curriculum.

3.Adapt curriculum to meet curricular goals and objectives using a variety of educational theories and models.

4.Demonstrate effective teaching characteristics while utilizing a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies.

5.Select appropriate practices to teach essential agricultural concepts, problem solving, skills of inquiry, communication and collaboration.

6.Develop, administer and analyze formal, informal and performance assessment techniques to monitor and evaluate student learning and guide modification.

7.Develop as reflective practitioners by collecting feedback, evaluating learning segments, and supporting artifacts.

Continue to Program Catalog ›


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